Heart of a Torah Woman

Women Seeking His Kingdom

Walking in Torah, Loving our Families, Following Our Messiah

Set Your Priorities AND Boundaries

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Good morning ladies! Oh the last many days have been just gorgeous and so pleasant. We are finishing up homeschooling here this week then one last thing to do next week. By this time of year I am so ready for summer. Busy time for sure but still good.

I hope everyone has been having decent times. I did have some struggles and have been working on improving areas of my character and life. No matter how good we are at anything, there is always room for growth. The moment we start thinking otherwise is a very good indicator there is more to work on than we realize. I always try to keep that in mind and teach it to our children. Always search for areas needing improvement or where you would like to do even better. Do not beat yourself up when the hard moments come. Just keep pressing into Yah and moving forward in this walk. The more we change, the closer we can get to being like our Messiah. Hallelujah!

So lately I have been quiet with new content. I have been focusing on things that take priority. End of years for homeschooling always has more going on but I really cannot complain. Although I do at times 🤦🏼‍♀️🙏 Almost done woohoo. So many projects on my list to complete this summer. I am excited and cannot wait to get to them. Besides the homeschooling, we have been playing games, hanging out outside, spending quality time together, planning things out, among other things. Balancing life better is something that has been a big to do for me. It wasn’t crazy but I have desired to be more intentional and efficient. So just living life slower and intentionally. There has been more business than what used to but it has been easier since I am being more balanced and it isn’t the crazy and/or unnecessary busy that will just run you ragged. Even able to see and talk to friends more which has been awesome. Parks with the kids and friends has been really nice just hanging out.

The Bible study I have been doing is just awesome to me. I love that. There is even a prayer challenge I have been participating in for weeks now and wow… can you say life changing?!

So as much as I had some trying times, I am grateful for the growth. Those moments and seasons will come. What we do when they come is what will make or break us. Learn the lessons, be kind and move forward. You will fall short at times ,hopefully less and less over time. Yah knows you will and is waiting for you to repent and lean on Him. We can do all things through Yeshua Who strengthens us. How awesome is that?! They are there to carry us through. Cast our burdens, believe and grow more like Yeshua everyday.

Figure out what your priorities are and keep them there. When you need reminders go to Yah and ask Him to help you keep them in their proper order.

Set those boundaries in your life that help those priorities be kept there.

Of course there are times that things will be a little wonky.

We are to bear one another’s burdens.

We are to live out pure religion to the degree we are able.

Our families must come first as a whole.

We are to selflessly give of ourselves.

We need to be taking care of ourselves.

Live Matthew 6:33 above all else

All of this take balance. We don’t have to run ourselves ragged. We need to set our priorities in order and place boundaries around them as a hedge. There is nothing wrong with that and is something we must do to protect our lives and families. Without proper balance and priorities that we stick by as a whole, we set ourselves up for failure and problems. Don’t allow yourself to be so busy that you neglect the very things that are most important, Yah, our families and ourselves. There are times it can’t be helped. There are many reasons for that. We have lived it so I get it. Figuring out how to keep those priorities in place makes it easier to bear and helps keep us close to Yah and family. Do not be afraid to let others bear your burdens with you. Supporting each other is glorious and righteous. Sometimes all we need is an ear. There are so many ways we can do this together.

Don’t neglect friendships either. There is a quote that I highly agree with that I have heard within last few years. “If you don’t make time for your friends, you won’t have any”. Even in my hard moments and seasons I still try to be a good friend and still be there for them. It is not always easy and there are times that we do have to go silent and back off for a time. That’s life but it should not be how we always are. I want those I care about to know I am there and I always appreciate when they are there for me. We know we have each others backs. That is a true friend that sticks closer than a brother. We will not have that with everyone but living it out with those we are close to is just amazing. We do not have to save that for only those we are close to either but let us not take others for granted that show themselves there, striving to be that person ourselves.

Setting our priorities and creating boundaries are huge ways to show our families we love them. Being present and intentional with them are outward easy ways they will be able to see and feel it.

May we get better and better at living slower and more intentional. Faster paced is not wrong and some of us thrive on it. So may you find or continue in whatever balance works for you and you life. We are not exactly the same after all.

May we copy our Messiah more and more as we go about living for Yah.

Until next time!

4 responses to “Set Your Priorities AND Boundaries”

  1. Heart Of A Torah Woman Avatar

    Yes I am doing ok. Yeah I have had a lot going on and been quiet all around. I can get back into blogging and etc again within next week. I was prioritizing some things. Good stuff and all is well. Thank you for asking.

  2. Rachel Espino Avatar
    Rachel Espino

    Are you doing okay? It’s been quiet on the blog. Or are you prioritizing as you speak?

  3. Heart Of A Torah Woman Avatar

    I know what you mean and dislike it deeply too. It is incredibly sad that it happens and even more when it is to those degrees. That quote is a good one! The effort is worth it 😊 one day it will be better!

  4. Rachel Espino Avatar
    Rachel Espino

    I took that friend quote and put it on my homestead blog. I have been trying to be more intentional with my friends. There is division even among Torah families and I hate that. I have had to divide who I invite over because some don’t get along. It is so sad.

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